G.M.A. web reaches 100K views
Today we have finally reached 100.000 views here!
In this months we have been working a lot for bringing you hundreds of files that were lost and new sections.
The reactions to all our effort have been very positive and we can just thank to everyone who visit us and help us build this site with their suggestions and the files they have sent us over the time.
Seeing so many monsters united on this project and being recognized by the biggest Lady Gaga fansites and accounts is very beautiful and rewarding. We hope that we all continue being so united working and helping each other in this new era.
For celebrating this support we want to share with you something special:
Dancin’ In Circles rehearsal from the Joanne World Tour in High Quality directly from the soundboard
That you can download in original quality here
And a exclusive still from the Just Dance Coachella performance backdrop

Also, don’t forget to check our social media for updates on new files and quality upgrades now that LG6 era is about to start!
Lots of love,
The Gaga Media Archives team